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Sports trips

We have experts in organizing training and competition trips abroad. No matter what sport you play, whether it’s a senior team or a junior team, we can find a training and competition area that suits you and tailor the organization to your needs.

For whom?

All sports clubs and groups who want to strengthen the team, strengthen teamwork and achieve even greater success.

What can we learn?

Examples of emphases on our sports trips include:

    • Improve communication and team interaction
    • Group development and team building training
    • Increase trust and strengthen team spirit
    • Expression and self-empowerment
    • Goal setting
    • Leadership training

Where are we going?

Our destinations are carefully selected to create the right setting for each group and give participants the opportunity for a new experience. The choice of destination therefore depends on both the group’s priorities and the time frame.

Trainers and Tour Guides

We employ a diverse group of staff with a broad background and decades of experience in training, tour management and consulting. Our tours are therefore staffed based on the needs and focuses of each trip.


We take care of all the planning; booking flights, hotels, restaurants, entertainment, excursions and anything else needed.
    • We take care of all the planning
    • We offer customized team building
    • Achieve even more success with us


During each trip, you can request a special course for the team with a focus on issues you want to work on.

What can we learn?

Examples of emphases on our sports trips include:

    • Improve communication and team interaction
    • Group development and team building training
    • Increase trust and strengthen team spirit
    • Expression and self-empowerment
    • Goal setting
    • Leadership training


We employ experts in organizing training and competition trips abroad.

We take care of all the planning for the trip; booking flights, hotels, restaurants, entertainment, excursions and anything else needed.
During each trip, you can request a special course for the team with a focus on issues you want to work on.

Examples of emphases on our sports trips include:

    • Teams can access GPS vests and Spiideo cameras at the practice area
    • Working with communication and team work
    • Group development and team building training
    • Increase trust and strengthen team spirit
    • Expression and self-empowerment
    • Goal setting
    • Leadership training


During each trip, you can request a special course for the team with a focus on issues you want to work on.

What can we learn?

Examples of emphases on our sports trips include:

    • Improve communication and team interaction
    • Group development and team building training
    • Increase trust and strengthen team spirit
    • Expression and self-empowerment
    • Goal setting
    • Leadership training

Swimming/Other sports

It doesn’t matter what sport you play, whether it’s a championship or junior team, we’ll find a training and competition area that suits you and tailor the organization to your needs.
During each trip, you can request a special course for the team with a focus on issues you want to work on.

What can we learn?

Examples of emphases on our sports trips include:

    • Improve communication and team interaction
    • Group development and team building training
    • Increase trust and strengthen team spirit
    • Expression and self-empowerment
    • Goal setting
    • Leadership training

Useful info

Let’s get you the assistance you need. Here we’ve gathered some useful info on the topics people ask about most.
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